
Database: AutoPagerize

Item Details: hAtom part 2

url ^https?://.*(hatom|microformats?|h-entry|blog\..+\.jp)
nextLink //link[contains(concat(" ", translate(normalize-space(@rel),"NEXT","next"), " "), " next ")] | //a[contains(concat(" ", translate(normalize-space(@rel),"NEXT","next"), " "), " next ")]
pageElement //*[contains(concat(" ", normalize-space(@class), " "), " hentry ") or contains(concat(" ", normalize-space(@class), " "), " h-entry ")]
exampleMicroformats microformat : hAtom : rel-next & rel-prev : microformat 2 : h-entry :
comment この SITEINFO は、Microformats の hAtom に適用されます。 AutoPagerize はページを継ぎ足す際に url の評価を行ないますが、文字列の長い順に適用されます。この SITEINFO は url の正規表現としては最短になりますので、一番最後に適用されます。つまり一致する url が一つも無い場合に適用されるわけです。 もしも、この SITEINFO が適用されないようにしたいサイトがある場合には、以下のような対応をするのが適切だと思われます。 (1) AutoPagerize, AutoPatchwork といった拡張、userscrpt の設定で特定のサイトの url が無効になるようにする (2) そのサイトで適切に動作する SITEINFO を書く Microformats に対応した SITEINFO は、サイト運営者にとっても利用者にとっても利益があるものです。本 SITEINFO を無効または削除などせずに、適切な対応をされることを期待します。 original text from:
excludeUrl you should fill this area
comment_en This SITEINFO is applied to the web site in compliance with hAtom of Microformats. AutoPagerize evaluates url when it works, and then apply SITEINFO in the order of long url string. Because this SITEINFO is the shortest as a regular expression of the url, it will apply to the last. In other words, it is applied when no one url to match. If you want AutoPagerize to exclude web site matching this SITEINFO, please take actions as follows: (1) set your extension(AutoPagerize, AutoPatchWork, and more) to disable pagerizing at the specific url ( and DO NOT MODIFY this SITEINFO ). (2) write down new SITEINFO applied to the specific url. / This SITEINFO is generally use but roughly applied. Although you may sometimes meet a problem, please DO NOT MODIFY this SITEINFO. Best is to make new and suitable SITEINFO for the url. Otherwise, disable this SITEINFO only your local environment. Thanks.
discussion url regexp '^https?://[^/]+/(?!\d{4}/)' is too long to cause side effect. (cf. if you truely want AutoPagerize to exclude web site matching '^https?://[^/]+/(?!\d{4}/)' pattern, please tell us by filling excludeUrl. Added by harnack: To be honest, this item is really annoying because it overrides the comment section on MANY blogs (such as and thus I cannot read comments... There are just too many sites which I want to add to excludeUrl. So, how can I totally disable this item?? Added by Tanookirby: You're url is too broad. Please, if there are more links here, just add it to the url path. When a page starts loading something that does not make sense, no one is going to immediately assume that this hard-to-find rule is the problem. Update: Maybe my new changes will stop making conflicts.

