
Database: hatebuize

Database Details

About the database for Greasemonkey script "hatebuize.user.js".
"hatebuize" provide you to insert bookmarked number by Hatena Bookmark service into any position of any site.
this database store in informations of site: SITEINFO.

applyURL : URL to apply item itself(required)
urlNode : XPath expression for node that have URL(required)
insertPosition: Xpath expression for insert node(required)
after : truth-value whether before or after insertPosition(optional)
Require keys applyURL urlNode insertPosition
Optional keys after
Permit other keys true
Created by janus_wel
Created at 2008-09-19T17:59:12+09:00
Updated at 2010-03-09T20:29:42+09:00


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